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Doom Reviews

Reviews | Screens | Other

one of nějvětších play classic of all time almost not even there's no need constitute, but I it yet draw up. Doom is action firm- personnel- shooter střílečka published in the year 1993 society ID softwarethat the behind time its glory of got a lot of fans and become inspiration for pile action plaies, that come after her.

constitutional less people however knows, what has this perfect action slaughter as a matter of fact story. Come in on into role flatfoot dispatch certain society UAC, who does experimentation with teleportací. How so already so but used to be, advances similar type will crash and this one isn't failing that. Result isthat the you that t everywhere run about a lot of monsters and You as the only survivors man from expedition
on Mars have as one's task them all wind up, so that could return on native planet.

play is built on own enginu and general graphic art them to a its time really revolutionary, for then?í PCs . had relatively high title to HW.

to liquidation beasts you will be of service proper arsenal arms, in which the impeccant pug, revolver, scattergun, but not even missile launcher or plasma rifle.

if you slaughter will amuse, on the whole up to you wait 3 episodes, from nichž has every 9 level. I think that every fan action shooting will to proof Doom on for a longer time seize, and if him own, surely near he last out ends.

Year of publication: 1993

Made by: ID Software



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