Buzz Aldrins Race into Space
Buzz Aldrins Race into Space - náhled

Kdy my jsme byli málo dětí, hodně nás chtěl být astronauti a objevit nové světy. Teď je vaše šance na to dělat to.

V této hře vy j


Team Fortress 2 Reviews

Reviews | Screens | Wallpapers

Team Fortress 2 is team action games for more players from look first person form company Valve Corporation. Acts about continuation games Team Fortress Classic.

for the first time was zvěřejěna as part of parcel plaies with title The Orange boxing 10. October 2007 for Windows and Xbox 360 and 22. November téhož year for PlayStation 3.

Team Fortress 2 is team action similar Enemy Territory. Against to himself costs two camps and try obtain territory or latter steal documents. Doesn't go about no big map, on the contrary action is centered on altogether small space and will never it from personal base you do not have to wartime line long way.

have on selection from 9 occupation - everybody is absolutely different and presents specific access to playing. Pick all - born ambusher grasp at ultra fast Scoutovi, well - balanced Soldierovi with missile launcher or after flame - thrower gun - toting Pyrovi. Obranáři will opt for favourite HeavyGuye with overlarge machine - gun, terrorist Demomana with grenade launcher, odpalovatelnými and on perish retaining mines.

on July 2011 was games for PC and MAC slack free and her course enjoy a support so - called micro - operations.

Team Fortress 2 you must draw down over Steam.

Year of publication: 10.10.2007

Made by: Valve Software


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