Road Rash
Road Rash - náhled

Závodně-akční hra od vývojářů z Papyrus Design Group vydaná v roce 1996. Na výběr máte spoustu motorek, tratí a jediným cílem je dojet do ko


Kingdom At War Reviews

Reviews | Screens

A somewhat dark strategic title, Kingdom during the war come in handy to- based play scenarios where you must uproot your enemies.

Play is given in medieval times. Did you king one's region kingdom, and you must remove all members below the gangway. Not much can be says about those play, how so hasn't campaign. There be but eight scenarios, every with by its own conspiracy, and "user's play" option.

S graphic art similar the mister Magic, and some gorgeous airs, play will upraise some of your time.

Strategic fans this way play, even if it be but short experience; nevertheless, there are accidentally generated map and next variables which makes play much repetition. To recap play, the point is to hove armies, fight out cities and knock down your enemies.

Year of publication: 1992

Made by: Interscan


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Přidal Angelo