Crazy Cars 2
Crazy Cars 2 - náhled

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Humans, The Reviews

Reviews | Screens

People is play which merits 4 mark to my mind, although majority of people it will do not find it worth more'n 2 or 3.

So, before you make up one's mind draw down this play or no (based on screenshot), read mine review before, and see if did you one of those people who in love with those games.

People be based on well known play: Lemming. This play also got you little amusing monsters as though you need to traverse straight full dangerous trap and amusing enemies.

But play people is totally another. Where you before be governed by all lemming at the same time, you will control one's man all of a sudden and you did you get straight forward control of sign. This gives whole play more action based sign, and you can agree while overlooking whole level.

Rules people: It's your mission into the lead your clan through 80(!!) levels ofthat the everybody is played with a number of characters which they need to help each other. Play be based on teamwork and most riddles must be solved more then 1 man. When you did you get Human below your verification, you can gain control of next in any moment, so they may everything move or help another.

People they will study / will dozer new things on their way. At the beginning find spear which be able to do many a thing. Later, when they pass levels, discovers wheel to travelled with, rope to boarded difficult parts maps with, and even priest who can change people into by other sums.

It them all newsmaker in nice - looking environment, gorgeous backcloth and good animation of all signs in play. Till now everything be good at play, buz point that the most players they will object are at speeds of games.

Most plaies riddle isn't as though fast, but people really be slow. People, who love to barged and get epinephrine support from shooting zombie down, will really boring at playing people. People demand patience before something else, at slow play where everything depend upon time setting and solve puzzle.

Except slowness, people also much weigh upon. Several first - level can be solved anybody, but for second levels of really you should have played more plaies riddle or simply have outstanding mind for solving riddles.

These 2 articles will ensure that the play be but interesting for real fans plaies riddle (as I). All the, who want to see in birthday suit child, much zombie and rubbish blood would had better unacted it.

But before, than I deter every man's: People do they really good play, riddle are very much workmanlike and people always study new things. It holds play really green and electron promotion. His perfect games for all hard riddle fan who loves to play it reqiuire some cerebral cellulate train.

Use file run.exe start play and then you can go into a place some /of each of /of no accidental numbers how copyprotection code!

Year of publication: 1992

Made by: Imagitec Design


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