Where in the USA is Carmen Sandiego CGA
Where in the USA is Carmen Sandiego CGA - náhled

Carmen Sandiego byla královna ' Edutainment - ův titulů v roce 1980- ovo a 1990- ovo.Originál ' kde na světě je Carmen Sandiego?potěrová


Franko - The Crazy Revenge Reviews

Reviews | Screens

Post - free and Alex walk around block as usual, and as usual, they take poison. Same outhouse all around, same faces smileless, only next regular of the day. But this time something has gone wrong - new honk show himself in town. Post - free and Alex got beaten up real bad. Since nothing was as usual, and something had to be done. They make up one's mind get revenge on Klocek, boss in hereof new honk.

It lie ours play begins. I must say as though this play be written completely in Polish language. I be stationed small translation most important elements games in file, such as menu and statistical returns on screen.

It's rate- je - up - type play: you wander the streets fight people. At the beginning it be easy to, but with completely you you are goingthat it%%= becomes difficult; first you run against simple criminal and drug addict, then later karate fighters, police, soldiers and of course stronger criminal. A how play routes, enemy not only get tougher, but also cleverer.For a few fights, you can kill every man's easy volant kick - no need to got close to friend when you can ' fly ' . At the end of each of special totaled steps, you run against boss in. They may be like bug, but after some whipping so have they die. A after elusion every from boss in, our hero be able to do some off - putting material them.

To fight you need use several buttons: You can implore print "A", "Z", "X" or "CTRL"+ driving key to struck, dig or catch friend. Last option is most merry entertainment, but hard to attained, how do you need good timing to could execute bag and poverty of hit in the meantime. While you hold your friend you can give him set hit depending on cursor key you print. These are most nastiest, and probably you will find way to throw your friend aloft using him how shot to hit another - no easy, but rewarding on the part of severity swines.

Among by three regular militant levels there are handsome, easy premium steps - you get car! Nemyslte on sports car or sedan - it is 1980 - ovo classical command lustre 126P, probably smallest car soever into Smart come into the market. On way some men discovers: Your work is to ran over bad , and give wide berth striking innocent. It's easiest part games, and only thing place where you can refill your health. If you kill punks, your health bar increases, but if you strike old lady - it come down.

This play be formed for Polish market, but since, what there is not very text in play probably it will not problem. I tried to translate land - gamete lower barthat the shows your energy, body count and next numbers. But others were impossible to reloaded. A lot of things in play are local injokes, most taken from time when Poland was to communistic country. Some of the swines are members communistic militia named ZOMO. Command 126P aforesaid is one of the most popular out in those gout in my provincial. There are a lot of more refer to Polish culture, but it is not time or place to show them all.

It is time for some final cogitations: If you like games fighter, this title should give you much enjoyment. It have any shady pages, though - it is impossible to use anything but fist and legs. It can be would nice to use bat, pipe or something else do your enemies suffer more and come down quicker. Land - gamete strains are not easily understood. It's minus, but voices speaks Polish, so you will not will not take note difference. Non - event occur during re - - playa - that also might be denumerable how minus - but back on a day, what play was less repeated?

To my mind there are also elements which makes this play score higher: first, premium special preamplifier are merry making. Second, level force and blood spattering can be in even out vital Kombat set. Graphic art be clean and coloured, music is heavy - I consider these how positive articles for general score.

I invite all of you try this Middle Evropskou classical play. Don't be afraid Polish language - START is keythat the you need to printed to started playing :)

Year of publication: 1996

Made by: World Software


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