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Defender of the Crown Reviews

Reviews | Screens

Play is setting in England's dark ages. Did you Lord and you own small part country. Nevertheless, country alone be divided. King be assassinated, and Norman and Saxons is pursuant mutually perpetrate crime. If it wasn't enough to, royal crown also disappeared! Now somebody (you, with some assistance from Robin Hooda) :) have to join country under his rule, and reveal what happened to crown and who slew king.

It's story those legendary games. Nominal protector crowns surely will return good memories former Amigaovým owners. Herewith play, Cinemaware was the first society (in the year 1986) it really availed gigantic skills Amigaa, and that fact watched like marvel of to astonished at eyes players time. In title cathode - raytube gold letters on stone walls look really gold. Knights and other people painted visual look almost alive, and filming scenes look like something taken from fabulous books.

But play not only didn't reveal on Amigaovi. Shortly after Amigaově version, Cinemaware made PC version. PC version is inferior to Amiga one in graphic art parts (EGA isn't match for 4096 coloured Amigaovu version), namely also has small difference in play.

Protector crowns is turning- based strategy game. Display foreground games is map England, divided into province. Aim games is to fight out all of them. At the beginning gamesthat the you pick sign. There are 4 characters to elected, every specialty in one from ability needed in play. Your starting address also be affected by your option start of text. To beginners, I I prefer selection sign which be good at fencing. After your option, you begin with single province below your as a rule, fortified castle, and paucity soldiers. In every veer you have you got set of actions to elected. You can buy soldiers, knights or slings for your military. You can also lead over your soldiers from "native" military ( soldiers, that you have you got in your native fortified castle) your "election" military ( militarythat the you use to taken province). There is also possibility of invading enemy hradunebo retaining tournament.

You can buy so by many military steel reinforcements how does your gold allows, and you obtain more gold how do you fight out more country. Shift election armies to province contesting it if it is not already owned somebody. Nevertheless, if there is enemy election military at that province conflict will start. Battles are pretty simple and they're display simple numbers on screen (only really bad part games - you will never nevidítenebo allot conflict). You only give orders, like "furious attack" or "wild retirement" and simply sees what happens. Most of the time one’s biggest military wins and stay in territories. Battles on provinces with fortified castle are somewhat another. At the beginning battles you must strike down the wall with your sling (you must have at least 1 sling in your military to be able to assault fortified castle), but after that split up conflict be like each other how others (whether you be destroyed walls).

Invading fortified castle is "arcade" part games. You pick fortified castle to raided, and immediately action is transferred inside fortified castle, where you and two your men fight in courtyard fortified castle and inner vestibule against 3 - 4 enemies. Only thing you have to do is to point out friend with mouse pointer and clicks on genuine key as fast as you can. If you win against your enemies you get some more gold therefor play veer. It must markedthat the enemy will never will not charge at on your native fortified castle. But thieves they may reduce to your gold reserves - this be one of accidental things, that they may become in some /every /no veer. More on that later.

Tournament are tournament matches, and 99% time you always lose (it is the most difficult part games), so in option as though you get at the beginning, about tournament for only slávunebo for provincial, that is better always pick only glory of.

Finally, there are 2 accidental things, that they may become in some /every /no veer. Thieves are some, and next is kidnap lady's. If that happen you get into pick if you will implore save she. Rescue is exactly the same how going for raid. Only difference is as though you don't obtain gold at the end, if you win, but place that you obtain change one's condition! Play also reward you with filming scene where you do you see your bride and your signs in somewhat romantic scene before fire.

O play graphic art I will not I won't say much, because you can much see it from screenshot. Only thing I say them as though they're no rival to Amigaově version.

I know a play sounds pretty simple, but take my word for itthat it%%= is merry making to played. It's easy enough to, that can be affected immediately, but it is also enough to hard to finished. I especially advise this play younger players or to those new to turning- based strategy.

Year of publication: 1987

Made by: Cinemaware


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