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Bill and Teds Excellent Adventure Reviews

Reviews | Screens

It is yet another playthat the I I'm used to play on C64, but I have to agree with itthat the this version is slightly better (although no noise footprint shrewd). Principal characteristic are famous duo Bill and Ted (you keep in mind movies, don't you?). They need come back in time and prepare something excellent for their historical paper failing that fall through per annum.

It's up to you now help them. You need to returned some number of people ( real issue depends at the level problems did you chose). But to be able to persuade is come in with you you will have to find is, get into they, sometimes graft is and safely bring them to phone boot (your machine time - will sound like Dr. Who).

There are phone numbers added, so you know what issue to put into come to a some time (visit certain person). Some men they will follow you automatically as soon as you achieve them, for others you will have to get certain object. Be not doing worry that it%%= be easy to figure it out. A cast down Ludwigův supply Beethoven with Elvisovým poster on the wall needs musical remark hereto, end his main piece (so you need to find it) etc .. There are also some place no apparent reason (like time icy), but even when you break your head open out, reason always will stay on unknown to you (at least this was me).

Globally play it is not difficult. Riddle are simple and most action scene isn't too Demanding (although I have to admit I will never really harassed to rescued Mariin Antoinette, because it maze be but too much).

You must keep in mind though that the phone box can carry ones four people all of a sudden, so after you are recruit two swells you need to taken them to malls (but will keep out themselves). As soon as you collected enough to about them go in shopping centre and wait for Missy (now it is mummy) give a name and let her takes you to school (with whole menagerie).

Together it is handsome combination adventure and action, but too easy. Graphic art are handsome, but sound be outrageous. This play merits average mark (3).

I don't know why, but play can deep - freeze when you go to see Billy baby. You don't need to rallied every, so I I preferthat the you leave out Billy (or implore go for him first, just in case if play will deep-freeze).

Year of publication: 1990

Made by: Off The Wall Productions


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