Shadow Warrior
Shadow Warrior - náhled

Shadow Warrior vydaná roku 1997 je od vývojářů 3D Realms. Hra běží na stejném enginu jako známější Duke Nukem 3D, nebo Redneck Rampage.


A Nightmare On Elm Street Reviews

Reviews | Screens

I don't prepare tell lies you, beloved readers, but if there is one film horrors which frighten me, that is A nightmare on Elm street. Even after all these years bizarre conspiracy and situation characters got into always frighten me (though much less than support then, of course) so I'm was tempt to play to this play and see whether that succeed in catch atmosphere film...


At the beginning, player get into pick what sign he wants play to, how every sign has his or her own special aptitude. After selecting sign, that them to a field to rescued five more signs from Freddyových sharp claws. But before, than you can do it, you must first find out where Freddy lives...

Once you have found out where Freddy lives, you have to move through his maze- similar house collection keies, pull switch and slaughtering hordes foreign and horrific enemies.

You gradual will you speculate more deeply to its house, and into madness.

Positive articles:

I I must say play succeed in catch at least some of the atmospheres featured in film. Here and there, you can really feel as though Freddy catchs you and you hope as though you will not will not rush in into blind person street. Graphic art, while of course no magnificent, succeed in call out dark and gruesome sensation. Straight design is typically mazelike, and although I normally despise maze, that suits right in those games. Player will stop disorientated, and sensation be incarcerate inside ephialtes will swoop him. Enemy are various and atypical, such as bad mobile stalls. Realitythat the some arms better work on some monsters adds element strategy to play (inquiry it from being only huckster- and- lomítko play).

Negative articles:Alas, yew true... A nightmare on Elm street have any dazzling problems. Most prominent problem is as though it will stop boring quickly; you can only run about attack mobile stalls and collection coin for so long before innovation wear except (no that the play be too novel firstly).

Next weak point in play is musicthat the to be almost nonexistent as far as I can say. It is not not either much difficult play (at least no for me).


What's there, to said? A nightmare on Elm street is handsome play to played when you take poison and you mood for fast tight play. It is not not even much special, nor is it very bad. It be but county little games which can hold you entertained at least for a few minutes.

Year of publication: 1989

Made by: Westwood Studios


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