Ruckus Poker
Ruckus Poker - náhled

"co je všechny kravály o?" to je o hádat se poker! OK, dobře možná ne. Hádat se poker je zajímavý málo hry pokeru, jen pro výběr počítačo


Sokoban Reviews

Reviews | Screens

this game arose originally in the year 1980 as an result contests one’s Japanese firm, in níž was to imposition create motivative software for employee. Two years later was Sokoban in Japan officially extradited and in the year 1984 got on European market.

player quote in role storekeeperthat the have as one's task shift boxes on marked position. Not to need it always be boxes, since play offers several different appearances. So that jostle rock, wooden boxes or possibly round rocks.

play wait to see big quantity continuation, for example Total Sokobanuthat the have over 8000 levelů.

Year of publication: 1984

Made by: Spectrum holobyte


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Přidal Angelo