Final Fighter
Final Fighter - náhled

Finální bojovník je jednoduchá ještě veselá zábava nobrainer. Vy ovládáte tank a váš poslání je zabít celé další tanky. Hra je v podstatě


OpenTTD Reviews

Reviews | Screens

OpenTTD is high - quality and improved variant of once very much favourite creative strategy games transport Tycoon Deluxe. Imposition player be here construction and upkeep railway, roads, ports, bridges and next buildings or arrangement souvosejících with transport.

main characteristics games is high - quality AI, multiplayer for up to 8 players in LAN or in Internetu, improved and bigger playing map, possibility of crossing tunnels lump new buildings and means of transport and much next.

Year of publication: 2002

Made by: 2


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Přidal Angelo