Bush Buck - Global Treasure Hunter
Bush Buck - Global Treasure Hunter - náhled

Tady je hezký a jednoduchý málo hry světa cestujícího.

Vy jste průzkumník. Jestliže zvolíte hrát hru jedné dvojici, můžete hrát pr


Micro Machines Reviews

Reviews | Screens

Micro Machines is simple, single-level memory and amusing works play from firm Codemasters, single and two player.

races in thumb - nail mock - ups out, gunships, by boat, tanks and next. On selection be about 20 different works courses such as : kitchen table, billiard table, bath, garden, and next.

in games for two player, when each other will travel in so farthat the disappear from screens, gaint a point, and starts again in agent screens. Except competition double is available lesser entertainer single - player against rub computers, when already is concerned classical works.

Year of publication: 1994

Made by: Codemasters


Micro Machines - download


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Přidal Angelo