Popeye 2
Popeye 2 - náhled

Kdyby nebylo skutečnosti, že Pepku námořníka je slavný znak kresby a že to byl ohromná C64 platforma, já bych ne- dokonce bych neuvážil k


Cannon Fodder Reviews

Reviews | Screens

on side Cannon Fodder control group soldiers and his object be destroyed friend, his building or save captive. Play is divided into mission, every mission to single periods.

soldiers extract rank and with them shoot up their experience and efficiency. They may after battle field lead sb. a dance in capture machinery (jeep, skůtr, tank and gunship), cast bombshells, racket rackets, tend gun, tread on pass or drowned in morass.

Year of publication: 1994

Made by: Virgin Int. Ent.


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