Castle of Dr. Brain
Castle of Dr. Brain - náhled

Hrad Dr. Mozek je, bez pochyby, jeden z nejzajímavější, zábava a originální hry já jsem vůbec kdy hrál. Cíl hry je aby unikl z Dr. Mozkov


Total Eclipse Reviews

Reviews | Screens

Did you archaeological, who discovered horrible curse Hahmid III. Course saysthat the as soon as Sun is blackened and no longer shine on temple Raa, all the world they will wrecked. A guesses what, general eclipse of the sun he's going to become namely will seen right over Egypt. As you know this would would spell the end of the Earth, you triggered to find and destroy temple (prey all treasures on way - finance your expedition) and buckler world in the process.

Bee's knees about play is as though it is to make from first personperspective namely uses imitation from 3D graphic designer with (at the time angular point notch) 16 colour EGA graphic designer. Strains in play are mostly irritating. You will hear themselves shift about, your soever- tlučící heart (takes care about itthat the you you don't get over excited) etc ., but at the very beginning and on end of play will evidence it can say its name (yes, that includes some speech).

Concerning play alone, I have to saythat it%%= is rather special. First I have to admit really I'm hated this play. I thinkthat it%%= I'm be but natural, since, what generally I don't like first person 3D games, but this was mostly because of mine lack of understanding that. As soon as I found this WALKTHROUGH I be truly a began I'm used those games.

You do you see, you go into a place pyramid and have to run through by. How perhapsthat the would could envision pyramid is sort of maze, but quite intricate one. Every room has its one's own name and name not seem to follow logically. So for either rooms you can go into a place by other room and end up in another parts pyramid. I like usually maze, but in this case this was too disillusion, so really more then I'm be grateful for much rich in detail recap.

You should also notice of several thing. You have you got with you glass of water. It really assisting if it be full of and you can bottle it walking into pool waters (there are a few about pyramid). There is also your cardial rate, that would didn't have uprise dramatically how that causes you heart - failure. You should be at rest if it begins whipping too fast (pressing R). Then there's a weapon (no, this play isn't shooting play) that is of your main tool. Some limit will disappear or at least move, if you fire away is; also shooting you can open/near chests, sarcophagi - or clubbing purposes which setting - off hidden gadgetry (if the point is fraudulent misrepresentation you hear - find a match).

Walking alone can be tricky, how there are some simply yet boring traps (like missing incremental brick), so makes sure where you you are going, looking down and up (L and P buttons) as well as make sure, whether you are not sparkle (there are a few thing -frommummies beacon to those will be sufficient as though you), because which will heighten your cardial rate.

On way you find treasure and ankhs. Treasures will heighten your articles, while ankhs are most useful how they abstracting door limit. Only make surethat the if you can, you travel prevention (especially first) from you can have bigger need for ankh in highers levels games!

Together this play is unique precious stone that you should try. It can surprise you with his complication and handsome (two decenniums old) graphic art (although dated today's standards). You can also try out C64 and Amigaův version and sees, how well/or badly (judge for your self -) PC version equate to at that.

Year of publication: 1988

Made by: Major Developments


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