Dune - náhled

První díl této stařičké strategicko-adventurové hry má na svědomí francouzská firma Cryo. Hry vychází z knižní předlohy Duna (napsal Frank H


Sixx Reviews

Reviews | Screens

SiXX is play riddle according to the plan impressive Brix, Mahjong, and more recently popular Noah's ark cap. Play play be as complex how clicking on two tile which every has same symbol - horsy boot, diamond, oblique square, cone cream ice, etc . - and ablation them from deck. Tile must have free way among mutually: directly conformable or in ninety (90) stepped angles.

Music be all right, graphic art adequate, and play play is fair enough. Nevertheless, competition two was to make for death, followed more recently competition three. If you love this genre plaies riddle then there be wrapped up worse election than SiXX, but there are also better. If you refuse pay for Bejeweled, then it is games to you.

Year of publication: 1993

Made by: Bones Park Software Artistic


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