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Ninja Reviews

Reviews | Screens

Ninja is short - term comical play which be too interesting when it first it turned out. It's handsome and short computer game which succeed in pull deserving because of simple and amusing play and normal level hardness. Of course, PC version is inferior to future versions, like most plaies forms 80 - ovo after all. Yet, vision ninja again remind me real meaning videos- her: merry making.

Back in 80 - ovo ( millenium videa - plaies when machinery arcade reigned) there wasn't much plaies as though have had buckler option. So games wasn't if today and did you played to are could state better. It be the only way to end play. Although games briefed, you always need a lot of time end some of them. Well, ninja be too short, but that'd several things, that make it interesting.

Story is (astonishment astonishment) very simple. Did you "delightful little" ninja which has mission to collect seven idols from enemy fortified castle. Fortified castle is, of course, full enemies. Like I'm he said, play briefed and has only 21 locations. Idol are accidentally scattered about fortified castle, only last is in highest chamber (Akuma - ovo chamber). When you get all 7 idol, get back to young screens to completed your mission.

I first show through it on Amigaovi, although this was originally made for C64. What dumbfounded me back then be caused by, what ninja hove shurikens and knives (or some kind spoke, probably sai). Every time you play to there are a few arms you you can choose by simply crouch. Then shuriknes and/or knives "fly" into ninja arm or be more accurate: into ninja hands- rukávu, place where actual heat price ninja is suppose to kept stand by going into battles. This is not emporium today, but at those times I could not even think of anything like that. Graphic art was hardly average even back then but somehow everything looked fine. Well, although they used MCGA for PC version, graphic art are intriguingly bad. Passable, but somehow it looks far worse than C64 version.

Your ninja can jump, sink and exert 6 sorts attack (it be enough). More kinds striking would likely was to too intricate. Except tří strokes and two bot, ninja can also be used his hangman (conversely+up+fire, holds for a while, hard to do PC), that is of slow but kills some /of each of /of no friend with single hit. Three shurikens be enough, to slew no friend or two hit with knife, but knives have to strike friend edged ( handle won't act as), or you will falls except friend.

There are three others enemy:

THUNG - kung fu fighter (weakest opponent of)

KARATEKA - karate fighter (more dangerous, has a great deal of energy)

BAD NINJA - how his name says: he is bad ninja, most dangerous enemy and can exert by any action that you can, he may even lift your shurikens and throw back to is at you.

There is also one interest about enemies. At entrance new placing, no be unseccessful. Enemy will not be notice you at position yet. If you looking at friend more closely, you catch sight of that the eyes close and opening. So, while they keep their eyes shut, you can move without drawing their attention. In this way you you can approximation to enemy and struck first, even with your hangman and do manslaughter without real buoy.

Most young man probably will bend out this after it, what seen screenshot, but anybody will try it will probably be have a good time for a while. So, have a good time!!!

To get same quality screenshot, you have to change setting in DOSBOX.counsel set! Machine type should be change from VGA (standard) into TANDY.

Year of publication: 1986

Made by: Sculptured Software, Inc


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