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UMS II - Nations at War Reviews

Reviews | Screens

UMS II: Peoples during the war, that is proceed from turfy fan fandy - ovo UMS (final Military malingerer) from 1988. I say it at once; give UMS II chance only if did you loved forepart. They added next to nothing in second, but let's go concentrate on you news so that do you know what to expect from continuation.

Above all, play stayed tantamount - mandatory phase for shifting and setting status your periods, and combat phase for cascade command mode. Plane glass surface is worse than in prequel to my mind. Conflict continued according to equality which was change from original UMS, so now you you may set meaning of each of variable. Are not no military/map/ draft tools - scenarios so possibility of making change to combat equality scenarios is losable.

But UMS II isn't combat malingerer such as his ancestor of. It be more of a election malingerer, where you can contend by many opponent of on big maps. These include craft, diplomatic position, special square ( cities, ports, etc), supplies, production and centers conscription. This gives play some aspects rule management. You can choose build extra rampart for town, enough port, recruit more soldiers or invest in production and articles conscription. There is also possibility of diplomatic victory so if you spend too much performance post butt on building element, you will discomfited. AI was increase in those play, and you can now configure how soldiers assault and defend. A great improvement from UMS where would you mind only pick "attack left side" or "aggressive center of".

New troop which UMS II line are craft. Nothing too creative about them though; they be like any other period, but with roadsing which it seems across the sea. There are also supply line, but since, what I can't say anything good about those innovative activity, I will not I won't say no nothing. Strains? No thanks. Concerning graphic art, colours are handsome and welcome addition. Crossover from black and white to 16 colour EGA mode is one of true improvement UMS II.

Year of publication: 1990

Made by: Intergalactic Development Inc.


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